Wednesday, 12 December 2012

Jalan-jalan Cuci Mata - LOMBOK (Part II)

Hello... Hello... Hello...

Sorry, lambat update blog.. Time keja jer yg ada masa sedikit untuk update blog nih tapi kalau dah sibuk. Mmg takkan update la jawabnya..

Dulu masa kerja kat Hexamatics mmg la banyak masa free, lagipun ada laptop boleh bawak balik. Sekarang nih dah keja kat MPH laptop kena kunci kat meja.. huhu...

Anyway, nak sambung citer pasal Lombok hari tuh.. To summarize on my experience in Lombok.. it was GREAT!! Beautiful place to visit, awesome food, nice beach.. very relaxing and peaceful.. Totaly opposite to Bali (even though I have yet been there, hear stories from friends..).. The only not too nice thing was the tax they're charging in and out from there.. Phewww, I felt a waste.. Everything over there were being taxed even to go out from Lombok also we need to pay tax. Even the amount is not so big (RP100000).. but I think its so unnecessary...

So, after 4 days of relaxing and rejuvenating myself.. I was back to work and felt really freshen up and motivate to do well with my work..
